Keeping your home damp-problem free
Damp Domestics
Condensation in a property will occur when warm air comes into contact with a cold surface or a cold spot. The air will then be cooled below its saturation point causing excess moisture vapour to change in to liquid water. The condensed moisture will usually appear as water drops or water film on non porous surfaces such as windows or tiles. This type of condensation is known as surface condensation.
Conditions for condensation to occur
Condensation in homes is predominately a winter problem mostly where warm moist air is produced in occupied areas and then penetrated to cold spots of the property. Water vapour is created in large quantities from a wide variety of situations.
Up to 17 litres of moisture can be produced daily in some properties. In specific areas such as bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens the damp warm air can travel to colder areas of the property to settle on cold surfaces.
Mould Growth
Mould will begin to form on any damp surfaces such as plaster, wallpaper, windows, doors, furniture and timber. It is not acceptable because of appearance as it looks unsightly and will destroy anything it grows on, not mentioning its affects it has on health.
Can damp paints help with damp and mould problems?
Specialist damp or mould paint are often not a permanent solution. The coatings and finishes contain biocide which often contains a toxic chemical. Mould cannot reproduce in this substance but the damp issues will still be there and it will re-appear when the chemical fails. Often this happens in a number of days, subject to the type of chemicals in the paint.